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258 lines
** **
** EEEEEE SSSS tt tt **
** EE SS SS tt tt **
** EE aaaa ssss yy yy SSS ttttt aaaa rrrrr ttttt **
** EEEE aa ss yy yy SSSS tt aa rr rr tt **
** EE aaaaa ssss yy yy SSS tt aaaaa rr tt **
** EE aa aa ss yyyy SS SS tt aa aa rr tt **
** EEEEEE aaaaa sssss yy SSSS ttt aaaaa rr ttt **
** yy **
** **
EasyStart v1.12 © 8/1992 by Andreas Krebs (released at 08-Aug-92)
This file contains a complete index of the EasyStart documentation including
all chapters and sub chapters.
1. Introduction
1.1 About EasyStart
1.2 Hardware requirements
1.3 Installation of EasyStart
1.4 Starting EasyStart
1.5 How EasyStart works
2. The ESConfig-program
2.1 The Screen-gadgets
2.2 The Close-gadget
2.3 The Group-gadgets
2.3.1 The Edit-gadget
2.3.2 The New-gadget
2.3.3 The Move-gadget
2.3.4 The Del-gadget
2.3.5 The Scroll-gadgets
2.4 The Status-fields
2.5 The Item-gadgets
2.5.1 The Func-gadget
2.5.2 The Edit-gadget
2.5.3 The New-gadget
2.5.4 The Move-gadget
2.5.5 The Swap-gadget
2.5.6 The Clone-gadget
2.5.7 The Export-gadget
2.5.8 The Del-gadget
2.5.9 The Scroll-gadgets
2.6 The ESPrefs-gadget
2.7 The 'Save Config'-gadget
2.8 The 'Undo All'-gadget
2.9 The 'UpDate ES'-gadget
2.10 The About-gadget
3. The GroupEdit-subprogram
3.1 The Name-gadget
3.2 The SetColor-gadgets
3.2.1 The Color-gadgets
3.2.2 The 'Text color'-gadget
3.2.3 The 'Bg color'-gadget
3.3 The Style-gadgets
3.3.1 The Underl-gadget
3.3.2 The Bold-gadget
3.3.3 The Italic-gadget
3.3.4 The Normal-gadget
3.4 The 'Text font'-gadget
3.5 The 'Text pos'-gadget
3.6 The Okay-gadget
3.7 The Cancel-gadget
4. The ItemEdit-subprogram
4.1 The 'High mode'-gadget
4.2 The Key-gadgets
4.2.1 The 'Wait for key'-gadget
4.2.2 The 'Key code'-gadget
4.2.3 The 'Key qualifier'-gadget
4.2.4 The 'Key combinations'-gadget
4.3 THe 'Edit function'-gadget
5. The 'Key combinations'-subprogram
6. The ItemFunc-subprogram
6.1 The Path-gadget
6.2 The Function-gadget
6.3 The Start method-gadget
6.3.1 The 'No function'-method
6.3.2 The 'Executable'-method
6.3.3 The 'Batch'-method
6.3.4 The 'ARexx'-method
6.3.5 The 'ES-Msg'-method
6.3.6 The 'String'-method
6.4 The Stack-gadget
6.5 The Priority-gadget
6.6 The 'Close delay'-gadget
6.7 The 'Open window'-gadgets
6.8 The 'Output to'-gadgets
6.9 The 'CD path'-gadget
6.10 THe 'Input from'-gadgets
6.11 The 'Open NewCLI'-gadget
6.12 The 'Workbench to front'-gadget
6.13 The 'Selected icons'-gadget
6.14 The 'CLI startup'-gadget
6.15 The 'WB startup'-gadget
6.16 The 'ARexx commands'-gadget
6.17 The 'Command line'-gadget
7. The ESPrefs-subprogram
7.1 The Palette-gadgets
7.1.1 The Color-display
7.1.2 The Color-gadgets
7.1.3 The R/G/B-gadgets
7.2 The MasterTask-gadgets
7.2.1 The 'Window pos'-gadgets
7.2.2 The Palette-gadget
7.2.3 The NewCLI-gadget
7.2.4 The Status-gadget
7.2.5 The 'Output to'-gadget
7.2.6 The Custom-gadget
7.3 The PopMenu-gadgets
7.3.1 The Status-gadget
7.3.2 The Screen-gadget
7.3.3 The Palette-gadget
7.4 The PopScreen-gadget
7.5 The WBMenu-gadget
7.6 The FuncKeys-gadget
7.7 The ARexx-gadget
7.8 The WBButtons-gadgets
7.8.1 The Status-gadget
7.8.2 The Palette-gadget
7.8.3 The Scroll-gadget
7.8.4 The Vertical-gadgets
7.8.5 The Horizontal-gadgets
7.9 The KeyList-gadgets
7.9.1 The Status-gadget
7.9.2 The Pos-gadgets
7.9.3 The Listed-gadget
7.9.4 The Palette-gadget
7.10 The 'Set command keys'-gadget
7.11 The Okay-gadget
7.12 The Cancel-gadget
8. The 'Set command keys'-subprogram
8.1 The Task-gadget
8.2 The Start-gadgets
8.2.1 The 'Start command'-gadget
8.2.2 The Code-gadget
8.2.3 The Qual-gadget
8.2.4 The Wait-gadget
8.3 The Stop-gadgets
8.4 The Okay-gadget
8.5 The Cancel-gadget
9. The MasterProcess
9.1 The Close-gadget
9.2 The Move-gadget
9.3 The Wait-gadget
9.4 The Iconfiy-gadget
9.5 The Depth-gadget
9.6 The StartTask-gadgets
9.6.1 The PopMenu-gadget
9.6.2 The PopScreen-gadget
9.6.3 The WBMenu-gadget
9.6.4 The WBButtons-gadget
9.6.5 The FuncKeys-gadget
9.6.6 The ARexx-gadget
9.6.7 The Task-status
9.7 The Commands-gadgets
9.7.1 The Start-gadget
9.7.2 The Unload-gadget
9.7.3 The Stop-gadget
9.7.4 The Update-gadget
9.7.5 The Sleep-gadget
9.7.6 The Restart-gadget
9.8 The KeyList-gadget
9.9 The 'Output to'-gadget
9.10 The Configure-gadget
9.11 The Snapshot-gadget
9.12 The 'Update all'-gadget
9.13 The About-gadget
10. Der PopMenu-Task
10.1 Moving the mouse pointer
10.2 Pressing the cursor-keys
10.2.1 Cursor down
10.2.2 Cursor up
10.2.3 Cursor right
10.2.4 Cursor left
10.3 Pressing the ESC-key
10.4 Pressing the RETURN-key or the left resp. right mouse button
11. The PopScreen-task
11.1 The Screen-gadgets
11.2 The Close-gadget
11.3 Pressing the right mouse button
11.4 The Beg- resp. End-gadget
11.5 The Left- resp. Right-scrollgadget
11.6 The Proportional-gadget
12. The WBMenu-task
12.1 The "WBMenu off"-menuitem
12.2 The "Quit WBMenu"-menitem
13. The WBButtons-task
13.1 The Close-gadget
13.2 The Move-gadget
13.3 The 'Scroll way'-gadget
13.4 The Depth-gadget
13.5 The Left-/Up- bzw. Right-/Down-scrollgadget
13.6 The Proportional-gadget
13.7 The Items-gadgets
14. The FuncKeys-task
15. The ARexx-task
15.1 The Starttask-commands
15.2 The EasyStart-commands
15.3 Example program
16. The KeyList-task
16.1 The 'key combinations'-display
16.1.1 The Key-function
16.1.2 The Code- and Qual-values
16.1.3 The Code-key
16.1.4 The Qualifier-keys
16.2 The Close-gadget
16.3 The Move-gadget
16.4 The Cmds-gadget
16.5 The Progs-gadget
16.6 The Depth-gadget
16.7 The Up- resp. Down-scrollgadget
16.8 The Proportional-gadget
17. The 'Command line'-window
17.1 The 'Command line'-gadget
17.2 The Okay-gadget
17.3 The Cancel-gadget
17.4 The Quit-gadget
18. The AwakeES-program
18.1 The "NOMSGWIN"-tool type
18.2 The "OPENMASTER"-tool type
18.3 The "COMMAND="-tool type
19. Appendix
19.1 Error messages
19.1.1 The "Can't load <TASK> !"-message
19.1.2 The "Can't open ES-Configuration !"-message
19.1.3 The "Can't open Window"-message
19.1.4 The "Don't run EasyStart twice !"-message
19.1.5 The "Screen to small for PopMenu !"-message
19.1.6 The "WorkBench window not found !"-message
19.1.7 The "ARexx-Task not loaded !"-message
19.1.8 The "Can't open keymap library !"-message
19.1.9 The "Can't open custom output !"-message
19.1.10 Other error messages
20. Address of the author